Buncombe County Board of Commissioners

Amanda Edwards, Chair
Al Whitesides, District 1
Jennifer Horton, District 1
Terri Wells, District 2
Martin Moore, District 2
Parker Sloan, District 3
Drew Ball, District 3

Application for Appointment to General Obligation Bonds Community Oversight Committee

This information is requested to assure that a cross section of the community is represented.

Buncombe County residency is required for appointment to any board or commission.

Not sure which County Commissioner District your residence is in? Look it up using your address here .

For the purpose of diversity and balance, please complete the following questions.

Please complete the form in its entirety; applicants will be scored according to their responses and the current needs of the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners.

You may upload up to three documents. Each file may only be 20MB maximum.

Accepted file types: .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .jpg, .jpeg, .txt, .gif, .tif, .tiff, .png

Buncombe County does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, handicap or disability in admission or access to or treatment or employment in its services, programs and activities in compliance with applicable federal and state laws.

Information given on this application is public record.